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FAQs: Text



How do I apply for graduate school?

You may apply using a paper application or online application. For more information, please see Apply for Admission.


Where do I submit my information?


School of Graduate Studies and Research

Tennessee State University - Avon Williams Campus

330 Tenth Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37203


Fax: 615-963-7371


How do I get information about specific programs, program requirements and course descriptions?

Please refer to the Graduate Catalog


How do I get to the graduate school?

Campus Maps and Directions

The Graduate School is located on the Avon Williams Campus (Downtown), B400.


How can I find out what courses are being offered?

Class Schedule


When are admissions decisions made?

The School of Graduate Studies and Research accepts new students for fall, spring and summer terms (some programs have special admission deadlines, see Application Deadlines). We recommend that applicants' packages be complete no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the term in which they seek admission. Once the application package is complete, it is forwarded to the academic department where the admission recommendation is made. In cases where individuals apply for non-degree admission, the Graduate School will make the admission decision shortly after a complete application packet is received.


What are the admission deadlines?

Deadlines vary by program and by the term you plan to enter. For specific information consult the Graduate Catalog or Application Deadlines.


What types of financial aid are available? Where do I apply?

Financial aid applications and information are available at the TSU Financial Aid Website.

A limited number of graduate assistantships are available through individual departments. Graduate assistants must be available to work twenty hours per week. Graduate assistantships pay a stipend plus tuition for 9 graduate credits for fall and spring terms only. (Application Form for Graduate Assistantship).


As a state of Tennessee employee, I can receive a tuition waiver each term. How do I start the process? How do I register with a tuition waiver?

Normally, state employees request tuition waiver forms from their agency personnel officer. The employee's supervisor must sign the form and the form turned over to the TSU Bursar's Office.


 Do I need a TSU ID card?

A TSU ID card is essential. It not only identifies you as a TSU student, it gives you access to libraries and other university services. See the Student ID card page for details.


How do I access the TSU libraries?

FAQs: Text


Registration & Scheduling

How do I register for courses the first time? 

Registration is done via the MyTSU website. If you are experiencing any difficulties logging in, please contact the TSU Helpdesk at 615-963-7777.


How do I know what courses to take?

Each graduate student in all programs has a faculty adviser assigned at the time of admission. Faculty advisers can counsel students about which courses to take and in which order. Consult the TSU Graduate Catalog for additional information.


How can I determine what classes are open?

Via MyTSU using Search Class Schedule.

Where do I get Drop/Add forms?

Drop/Add can only be done on MyTSU during regular/late registration periods. If you wish to withdraw from a course, this should also be done via MyTSU


Where do I get permission to register for an overload of classes (hours in excess of the maximum)?

Full-time status is attained when the graduate student enrolls in at least nine (9) credit hours in one semester. When a student enrolls in any courses for credit, the maximum class load for either the fall or spring semester shall be twelve (12) hours. Students may take up to fifteen (15) hours with an overload approval. The maximum load for either Summer Session I or Session II shall be six semester credit hours . Students desiring to carry an over-load must have the endorsement of the Major Advisor or the Dean of the School and the Dean of Graduate Studies.       


How can I get a current printout of my class schedule?

How can I determine when a TBA class meets?

If the course is section number 98 or R50, this course meets online.  Otherwise, contact the academic department which offers the course.


Who is my advisor?

Contact your major academic department.

FAQs: Text


Record Maintenance

How and when do I get my grades?

To access your grades you may use: MyTSU and select the Grades option from the student records menu.

Grades will not be accessible to students with outstanding balances.


How do I withdraw from a course?

Withdrawal is done via MyTSU.  A student may receive a grade of "W" if he withdraws according to the following schedule: 

Regular Semester: prior to the end of the 9th week of   classes.

Summer Sessions  I & II: prior to the end of the 3rd week of   classes.

 If a student never attends a class officially registered for or stops attending class without officially withdrawing, that student will be assigned a final grade of "F".

After the above deadlines, the student must be assigned a grade of "F". Administrative withdrawal from the University must be documented by the student and approved by the Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs. Health problems or other circumstances beyond the students control may be reasons for granting withdrawal from the University.


How do I withdraw from the University?

  1. Report to the University's Counseling Center located in Queen Washington Health Center. Meet with a counselor and complete the Request to Withdraw Form from the University.

  2. Obtain all required signatures.

  3. Submit the form to the Records Office.

How do I obtain a transcript of my grades?

Transcript requests must be made in writing or by fax and should include your full name (including previous names), social security number, signature, phone number, including area code, term last enrolled, number of transcripts requested, complete address of where to mail the transcript (s), and any special instructions (i.e., hold until degree posted, etc.)

Request for Transcript Form

Requests may be submitted in person in the Records Office, by mail or fax. Mail:

Records Office

Post Office Box 9609

John A. Merritt Blvd.

Nashville, TN. 37209-1561

Location: Floyd Payne Campus Center (Administration Building) Suite 305.

Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: (615)-963-5100 or toll free 1-888-536-7655

FAX: (615)-963-2929


I received an "I" in a class. How long do I have to complete this before it converts to an "F"? 

The grade of "I", incomplete, indicates that the student's work in a course is incomplete but otherwise satisfactory. The "I" grade must be removed from the graduate student's permanent record within one semester from the end of the term in which the "I" grade was awarded. If all requirements for removal of the "I" are not met within this period, the "I" grade will be changed to "F" by the Office of Admissions and Records. All enrollments in dissertation, thesis, or project writing courses shall carry the grade of "I" until the project is completed. The final letter grade is awarded to each previous enrollment where an "I" was awarded.

FAQs: Text



When do I file an Intention to Graduate Form and where do I get the form?

Graduation applications must be completed electronically via the TSU Commencement Website.  Applications should be filed the semester before graduation.


How many credit hours can be transferred, and who must approve it?

At the master's level, a student may be allowed a maximum of twelve (12) semester or eighteen (18) quarter hours of graduate credit from another accredited college or university. At the educational specialist and doctoral level, a maximum of six (6) semester hours may be transferred. The Transfer of Credit Form may be obtained online or from the Graduate School, Holland Hall, Suite 200. The coursework being considered for transfer must be evaluated by the graduate coordinator, dean of the academic unit and the dean of the Graduate School. Only courses in which the student earned grades of "B" or better, and which are taken within the degree program time limit, will be considered for transfer. Credits earned in partial fulfillment of a previous completed degree program at Tennessee State University or any other institution may not be transferred or used for credit in another degree program.


How can I get a degree audit report that lists the requirements I lack?

Contact your academic advisor for a degree audit listing of remaining requirements.

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